Please note that only a handful of images are used for the news round up page! For more images of each event be sure to visit our club Facebook Page!
Amazing conditions to celebrate our Mr Gravett and his Guinness swim! 16 swimmers took to the water in sunshine and calm seas to swim across to Archi and back - they were met by a few jellies along the way !
Congratulations to winners Toby and Rachel who were presented with a Guinness glass trophy and can of Guinness by Sal Minty-Gravett!
It was great to have so much support out on the water- thank you to our boatman Guy, Graeme and Martin who brought the club boat round for the occasion, and thanks to those from the Canoe Club and Jonathan who gave up their time to paddle alongside the swimmers.
Congratulations to winners Toby and Rachel who were presented with a Guinness glass trophy and can of Guinness by Sal Minty-Gravett!
It was great to have so much support out on the water- thank you to our boatman Guy, Graeme and Martin who brought the club boat round for the occasion, and thanks to those from the Canoe Club and Jonathan who gave up their time to paddle alongside the swimmers.

Congratulations to Senior Championship winners Alice Harvey and Phil Gaudin who took on the gloomy conditions and jellies to swim from Mike Slip to Archirondel and back.
This year the JLDSC is celebrating it's 50th anniversary. To mark the occasion members donned their club swimsuits and had a dip and BBQ at Ouaisne bay. Thank you to Paul Lakeman for the fantastic drone images!
Thank you and well done to everyone who came to last nights quiz night!
With deductions for the night, an amazing total of £426.36 was raised - this money will go towards raffle prizes and room decorations for this year's 50th anniversary annual dinner! Congratulations to team 'Bob and Gob' who took top spot! The Dinner Ladies would like to thank the Optimists Club for allowing us the use of their room (and bar) and a huge thanks to Pete Blandin for being our quiz master! |
Charity Swim - Defibrillator
This month we had a charity swim / cake sale to raise money for a defibrillator for a bay of choice. Well done any thanks to all those who swam and donated. £282.20 was raised, along with £153.50 from the Xmas pudding swim - in total we have £435.70 towards a defibrillator. Well done everyone!
Last night saw the return of the CS&PF annual dinner. Our JLDSC special recognition award was presented to Sophie Etheridge by Sally Minty-Gravett. Sophie completed her channel crossing last year in a time of 29 hours 4 minutes! Sophie has fibromyalgia and complex regional pain syndrome - her success in the channel has helped to raise the profile of a Swimming Teachers Association campaign for swimmers with disabilities! Well done Sophie!
Unfortunately due to poor weather and unsafe conditions the decision was made to cancel this years New Year's Day swim.